Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Trampo Land

We asked Dad if we could have a trampoline, but he said no, that they were too dangerous and too expensive. But then we went and talked to the trampoline salesman at the store, and he said they weren't too expensive or dangerous. I think I'm still sorta mad at Dad for lying to us like that.


Johnny Evanson said...

Justin was once at the store with his father. While there, Jerold kept refering to his little Justin as "Jackass" for example.
"Jackass!! don't touch that, you'll break it." or "Jackass, get over here." Then a lady confronted Jerold about his degrading behavior. "excuse me" she said, "I don't think that's an apropriate way to refer to your son". Then Justin looking up with his ginormous head said.
"it's ok, HeeeeHAAAA HeeeeHAAA always calls me that.

Michelle said...

It's nice to see that Olive can flare her nostrils like an Evanson!